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Pet Health Certificates

Going on a trip and taking your pet? No problem! Fairgrounds Animal Hospital can help you take care of all of your domestic and international pet health certificate needs.

a dog lying on the car

Preparing You and Your Pet for Travel

Our veterinarians are capable of identifying how well your pet is likely to travel with you. If your pet is not in proper traveling condition, after a thorough nose-to-tail wellness check, that will be very clear to the veterinarian, who can then recommend many treatment options. Additionally, it is an opportunity to speak one-on-one with our doctors and gain some travel tips along the way.

For most travelers, Fairgrounds Animal Hospital veterinarians suggest that you thoroughly plan whether your pet will have a safe and sanitary place to stay with you. You should also consider the weather conditions the animal will be facing and what kind of physical shape your pet is in versus how much physical activity you’ll be hoping they will do on the trip. All of these topics can be discussed with our medical professionals, who can give you excellent advice before your travels.


Our veterinarians will also recommend that you have your pet microchipped and replace any old tags with up-to-date tags. If your pet is lost during your travels, microchipping is your best bet at recovering your furry friend.

We keep up-to-date files on all of your pet’s vaccinations and recommend that pet owners attempt to do the same. Our receptionists would be happy to help pull your pet’s files and make copies of their medical records that you can take on a trip. After an exam, we can provide a health certificate to prove your dog or cat will not be spreading disease to other states or nations. Bon voyage!

Learn More About Health Certificates

While having to get a signed piece of paper that says your dog or cat won’t spread disease outside its home state may seem a little silly, there are quite a few ways that these laws actually keep your pet safer. Learn more about health certificates for your pet and what you will need to bring to your appointment for a health certificate.