Welcome New Clients! Book today and get $25 off your first exam! *Terms Apply

New Patient Information Form

To save time during your next appointment, complete your new patient information form online from any device at any time before your visit.

New Patient Information Form

Please note: New clients should bring vaccination records with them or email prior to appointment to ensure we don’t have to give any unnecessary vax.

Patient Information

Pet's Current Vaccines

All pets seen at Fairgrounds Animal Hospital must be up to date on their vaccines. Vaccines may need to be updated if you do not upload or bring current vaccination documentation.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Photo and/or Information Release for Media or Website Publication

After an explanation of its intended use, I authorize the staff at Fairgrounds Animal Hospital to release portions of my pet's photographs, video images, or other images to use with the following media entity(ies): Fairgrounds Animal Hospital website/brochures, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp, etc.), television, and in the print media. I understand that this information may be used for advertising and/or public education purposes. I, the undersigned, allow my and/or my pet's name to be used along with photographs, video, or other images of my pet. I, the undersigned, authorize this veterinary practice or institution's faculty, clinicians, employees, students, and/or agents to use such materials for the purpose of educating the public about my pet's condition and medical care. I agree not to file any claim for revenue or lawsuit for damages against this veterinary practice with respect to the release of this information.

Release Agreement/Terms and Conditions

I/we being the legal owner and at least 18 years of age hereby consent and authorize you to receive, prescribe for, treat or operate upon the above-described animal(s) and any future pets registered. You are to use all reasonable precautions against injury, escape, or destruction of the animals(s), but you will not be held liable or responsible in any manner whatever, or any circumstances, on account of the care, treatment, or safekeeping of the animal(s) above described, or otherwise in connection herewith, as it is thoroughly understood that I/we assume all risks.

I/we will assume full responsibility for all charges incurred in the care of the above-described animal(s). I/we also understand that these charges will be paid in full at the time of release with the knowledge that we do not offer billing. I/we also understand that a deposit may be required for certain surgical treatments or other procedures.

Any animal left here for more than 10 days past the date of release or 10 days without contact from the owner will be considered abandoned and may be disposed of, or destroyed, as the hospital deems best. It is also understood that your doing so does not release me from paying all costs of your service and the use of your hospital, including the cost of boarding.

Clear Signature